

Thursday today . and what i wan to blogging is wat about today ~

seem im taller than her ~~ XD 

omg ! puiman what face u showing?? haha .

lolololll. no comment . :x

okay . so this is what we do in da k room =_= /
use lot of my energy today~ tired tired /.\ 

And Finally she cuted her hair =v= 
look like mature lady since she cut this style @@" Like like ~ XD
Yeah , and 7 month more start my redang trip ~~ :D
Love my lifeeeee deep deep because have all of you and wonderful my life make its meaningfull ^~^
And its 1 year 9 month that i set myself freedom .
congrats to myself , and be strong whenever . 

So ~ finish my blogging today . :D

